Muffin Is Having Fun

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This is a photo album page.

Here you will find photos of people or things that have inspired me through the years. 

Me and my children
Hard to believe they were ever babies.

When they were small, I had to do everything for them.  As they got older they started helping out.  This became very important during my cancer treatments and recovery.  They are adults now, sometimes they help out a lot, sometimes not so much.

Greater Scioto Valley Emmaus Community
I attended Women's Walk #5, Oct. 1996-table of Deborah

The Emmaus Community has played a huge roll in me really learning about God's love and grace.  I only wish that I were able to attend more of the community functions.  The monthly gatherings are very uplifting AND there is a carry-in dinner after the service.  The Emmaus motto is:  When Emmaus meet, Emmaus eat.  That is another thing you do on the Walks-eat, until you feel like you are going to burst (snacks are always available between meals). 

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Mom & I
at Aunt Mazel's house

This was taken at my Aunt's house in Carroll, Ohio sometime in the second half of the '90's (I think).  I know it was after Dad died and before Mom got sick.
Mom and I had some personality conflicts over the years, but I always loved her and am sure that she loved me.  However, she knew that I was a forgiving soul and that some of her children weren't, so I usually got the sharp side of her tongue when she was upset at one of the others.  Once I figured this out, it didn't hurt as much.

The picture below was taken long before the one of Mom and I.  It was taken at Canal Winchester, Ohio where we lived from shortly after I was born until I finished the fourth grade.  Then we moved to Frankfort, Ohio.

Dad & I
much younger than the pic with Mom

This is my brother Bill
Bill has been a great help to me in my christian journey.

It's always a good thing to have someone to encourage and help you in your Christian journey.  A spouse, a good friend, or sibling.  In my case it was mostly my brother, we were newbies together (sort of) and when we needed to discuss something we would bounce it off each other first to avoid looking like an idiot with more experienced christians.

Gave me a NIV Bible

Diana is the one that gave me the first Bible that I could read and understand.  Years ago when small New Testament used to be passed out in school, I received one and my Mom had a King James version, but even though I could read them, I did not understand them.  I'm just sorry that I don't have a better, updated picture of her.

A. K. A. Janet

This is the most recent photo of me that I hate the least.  I hate the way I look in photos, I usually look drugged.  Maaybe it's just old age creeping in?  I got the nickname Muffin years ago and I kind of like it.

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