As children, we saw a lot of our cousins because Dad took us to visit family on a regular basis.
As adults we all kind of drifted apart.
I knew that Danny had plans to go to Seminary and become a Minister after he graduated from high
school, and he did study for it but became a school teacher for a while.
I suspected that Danny was "different" when I was in high school but didn't know for sure until years
later. When he quit his teaching job near where he lived and headed for the West coast I didn't hear much about him
for years. I did hear somewhere along the line that he had confessed to his mother that he was homosexual.
Eventually he came back home after ending up in a Mexican jail near death. One of his brothers
went and got him to bring him back. It was after this experience that I learned more about him and the lifestyle he
had been living and about his writing.
He had changed careers, he was now a Master Chef. He had struggled for years with reconciling
his lifestyle with his belief in God and Jesus as his Savior. I found out that when he was young one of the men from
the church he attended had molested him and convinced him that he liked it and not to tell anyone. He also told us that
99% of the gay men he knew had the same experience. He said that "we are not born that way. After
a lot of therapy and inner struggle, he renounced the lifestyle, returned to his biblical roots, and found a church that was
compassionate and did not judge him on his past.
We had some interesting and educational discussions on some of the articles that he had written.
I wish that I had a copy of the one he told me about where he told about the scientific proof that he had found that disproved
Darwins theory and that the amount of dust on the moon wasn't nearly as deep as it would have been had the earth been around
as long as some claim.
I've no doubt that conversations with him in heaven will be very interesting.