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Wesley, John & Charles

Wesley, John

The founder of the Methodist movement. John Wesley (1703-1791) was born at Epworth, England, the son of a Church of England clergyman. He was graduated from Christ College, Oxford, England. For a brief period he was a missionary to Georgia. In 1738 he had an intense religious experience at a meeting on Aldersgate Street, London. Following this he began to preach throughout the country. He was a prolific preacher and writer, and his writings provided a core of standard doctrine and interpretation to guide the new Methodist movement. In 1784, he sent instructions to America for the formation of a separate Methodist church for the United States.

Wesley, Charles

The younger brother of John Wesley and a formative leader in the Methodist movement. Charles Wesley (1707-1788) attended Christ College, Oxford, England, and was a founding member of the Holy Club. He was a missionary to Georgia, was deeply affected by the Moravian beliefs, and had a transforming religious experience in 1738, just a few days before his brother John. He was active through the remainder of his life preaching and overseeing the growing Methodist work in England. His great contribution to the Wesleyan movement and to the entire Christian church was his hymns. He was a prolific writer of hymn poems and embodied much of the theology of Methodism in these poems.

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